The HOME of the ZONE

Photogenic Garbage

The GbooK


WOW! Lots of photos HAND-PICKED, ripe from the web.
It took hours of hard-labor, but I visited my favorite G sites, and took my favorite pics and stuck 'em here. I filtered out all of the crap pictures for ya!

One of my favorite pics of her. I think this one was on the cover of Spin...Select...something like that magazine...?

standing next to her inspiration....


Another live picture with a neat red effect....

This is probably a photo taken during the time they were filming the "push it" video.

NOW we know who their friends are!

Hmmm...I hope that fur is fake....

Stuuupid Guuurrrll

It's a fact...she HATES the sun....

Who the hell is this person?? Is this OUR Shirley??? Where does she come FROM???!?!

Shirley having a moment on stage

Don't touch 'er, she's ELECTRIC!

My FAVORITE pic in the whole-wide-world!

Butch must have had one HELL of a hangover in this pic....

Garsh, I love her hair....*sigh*

Look at that! A NATURAL, REAL smile!!! That is soooo adorable!!!!

They mean BUSINESS!

So he likes to paint his nails and play horsie, is that so wrong?

One of the many Garbage pictures I have slapped on my wall!

Steve jammin'!

Look, it's Mrs. Maturity.

Very VERY cool picture.

Someone already stuck a caption on this one....

They might have invaded a campus near you!

Another caption done in advance. My work here is done!

I think this was in Rolling Stone.

Good ol' Butch

What a tough crowd...

Another one of my favorites

"You Look So Fine"